SMS Blocking for International Long Codes in the UK


Important Announcement

From July 30, 2024, UK carriers will block all SMS traffic sent from international long codes to UK numbers. This measure aims to prevent misuse of Person-to-Person (P2P) routes for Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS, such as the messages sent via Concours Pro.

A long code is a standard 10-digit phone number used for two-way communication. A short code is a 5-6 digit number designed for high-volume messaging, while an alphanumeric code is a custom sender ID using letters and numbers, typically for brand identification.

What You Need to Do

To continue sending A2P messages to the UK, switch to a domestic UK long code, an Alphanumeric Sender ID, or a short code by July 30, 2024.

UK long codes offer two-way messaging using local, national, or toll-free UK numbers. As of the date above these are the only way to send SMS to UK numbers through Concours Pro.

We are expecting to offer access to short codes and alphanumeric codes in Concours Pro within the next 6-12 months.

KYC Requirements Brief

To purchase a UK number, go to Settings > Phone Numbers. Create and submit a Regulatory Bundle or Address based on your number type. Once approved, proceed to buy a UK number.

Consequences of Inaction

If you don’t replace international long codes, all SMS messages sent to the UK will be blocked from July 30, 2024. For existing contacts linked to US numbers, create an agent, assign a UK number to them, and reassign all UK customers to this user.