Training Conversation AI With Web URLs and Links


Steps to Training Your Bot Using Web URLs

  1. Go to Settings > Conversation AI > Bot Training
  2. Under Web Crawler, Select a crawling mode (See below for details).
  3. Enter a complete URL (including https://) and click Get Data.
  4. Wait for the URLs to be fetched and processed.
  5. Under Uploaded Links, Select the URLs you want and click Train Bot.
  6. The URLs will appear in the Uploaded Links Table with their status. Ensure all URLs are trained before using the bot.

URL Crawling Modes

1. Exact URL: This mode allows precise training by crawling the exact URL provided.

2. All URLs in This Domain: Train your bot on a wider range of data from a specific domain.

3. All URLs with This Path: This option crawls all pages within a specified path in the URL.

All trained URLs are listed here, showing their status:

  • Getting Data: The bot is retrieving new data from this URL.
  • Trained: The bot has successfully processed this URL.
  • Failed: The bot could not train using this URL; consider retrying or deleting it.

To maintain efficiency, regularly review and update the links.

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