Steps to Training Your Bot Using Web URLs
- Go to Settings > Conversation AI > Bot Training
- Under Web Crawler, Select a crawling mode (See below for details).
- Enter a complete URL (including https://) and click Get Data.
- Wait for the URLs to be fetched and processed.
- Under Uploaded Links, Select the URLs you want and click Train Bot.
- The URLs will appear in the Uploaded Links Table with their status. Ensure all URLs are trained before using the bot.
URL Crawling Modes
1. Exact URL: This mode allows precise training by crawling the exact URL provided.
2. All URLs in This Domain: Train your bot on a wider range of data from a specific domain.
3. All URLs with This Path: This option crawls all pages within a specified path in the URL.
Uploaded Links Table
All trained URLs are listed here, showing their status:
- Getting Data: The bot is retrieving new data from this URL.
- Trained: The bot has successfully processed this URL.
- Failed: The bot could not train using this URL; consider retrying or deleting it.
To maintain efficiency, regularly review and update the links.