Comprehensive Guide to Workflow Triggers in Concours Pro

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Contact Events

Contact events include triggers such as birthdays, contact updates, and engagement scores. These triggers are used to manage communication and ensure contact details are current. For instance, you can automate birthday greetings, handle updates to contact information, and track the engagement level of your contacts. By leveraging these triggers, you can maintain accurate contact records and ensure timely interactions with your customers.

Birthday Reminder: Triggered by a contact’s date of birth to send birthday wishes or offers.

Contact Changed: Triggered by any change in contact details to update records or notify team members.

Contact Created: Triggered when a new contact is added to send welcome messages or start onboarding.

Contact Do Not Disturb (DND): Triggered when a contact opts out of communications to manage unsubscribe requests.

Contact Tag Added / Removed: Triggered by the addition or removal of a specific tag to segment contacts or trigger tag-based actions.

Custom Date Reminder: Triggered by a custom date in a contact’s profile to schedule follow-ups or reminders.

Note Added/Changed: Triggered when a note is added or updated in a contact’s profile to track interactions or update records.

Task Added/Completed: Triggered by adding or completing a manual task to manage tasks or follow-ups.

Task Reminder Trigger: Triggered when a task reminder is due.

Contact Engagement Score: Triggered by the engagement score of a contact to target highly engaged contacts.

Event Triggers

Event triggers encompass inbound webhooks, call statuses, email interactions, and form submissions. These triggers help automate data handling and customer interactions, making it easier to manage incoming data from external applications, track call outcomes, monitor email engagement, and collect data through forms. With event triggers, you can streamline your workflow and enhance customer responsiveness.

Inbound Webhook: Triggered by incoming data from external applications to integrate with other platforms or automate data transfers.

Call Status: Triggered by various call statuses (incoming, outgoing, voicemail) to manage call workflows or track outcomes.

Email Events: Triggered by email interactions (open, click, bounce, unsubscribe) to manage email campaigns or customer engagement.

Customer Replied: Triggered by customer interaction via a specific channel to automate responses or manage enquiries.

Form Submitted: Triggered by form submission to lead generation or data collection.

Survey Submitted: Triggers when a contact submits a survey.

Trigger Links Clicked: Triggered by clicking a specific link to track link engagement or trigger actions.

Facebook/Instagram Lead Form Submitted: Triggered by form submissions from Facebook/Instagram.

TikTok Lead Form Submitted: Triggered by form submissions from TikTok.

Video Tracking: Triggered by video interactions to track viewer engagement or follow-ups.

Number Validation: Triggered by validation errors from our network partner, Twilio, to manage phone number errors or communication issues.

Messaging Error – SMS: Triggered by various SMS failure errors as reported by mobile carriers, filterable by error code.

LinkedIn Lead Form Submitted: Triggered by form submissions from LinkedIn.

Funnel/Website PageView: Triggered by a view of a specific page in a funnel/website.

Appointment Triggers

Appointment triggers focus on the management of booking statuses and customer appointments. These triggers help automate the scheduling process, ensuring that reminders are sent and appointments are tracked efficiently. By using appointment triggers, you can improve the management of your calendar, reduce no-shows, and provide a better experience for your clients through timely reminders and updates.

Appointment Status: Triggered by various appointment statuses to manage appointments or send reminders.

Customer Booked Appointment: Triggered when a customer books an appointment to track bookings or manage schedules.

Opportunity Triggers

Opportunity triggers include changes in sales opportunity status and pipeline stages. These triggers help streamline the sales process by automating follow-ups and managing sales pipelines. For example, you can set triggers for when a new opportunity is created, when an opportunity is updated, or when it becomes stagnant. This allows for better tracking of sales progress and timely interventions to keep the sales pipeline moving smoothly.

Opportunity Status Change: Triggered by changes in opportunity status to manage sales pipelines.

Opportunity Created: Triggered by the creation of a new opportunity to start sales processes or follow-ups.

Opportunity Changed: Triggered by modifications in an opportunity to trigger subsequent steps or communications.

Pipeline Stage Changed: Triggered by a change in pipeline stage for an opportunity to optimize pipeline management.

Stale Opportunity: Triggered by an opportunity remaining in a stage too long to manage follow-ups for stagnant opportunities.

Affiliate Triggers

Affiliate triggers manage new affiliate creations and sales, tracking affiliate performance and rewarding successful sales. These triggers help streamline the management of affiliate programs by automating notifications and rewards based on affiliate activities. By setting up affiliate triggers, you can ensure that affiliates are promptly recognized for their contributions and that their activities are efficiently monitored.

Affiliate Created: Triggered by the creation of a new affiliate to manage affiliate programs.

New Affiliate Sale: Triggered by a sale by an affiliate to track sales or reward affiliates.

Affiliate Enrolled on Campaign: Triggered by an affiliate’s enrollment in a campaign.

Course Triggers

Course triggers track user progress within educational content, managing signups, access, and lesson completions. These triggers help automate the educational process by monitoring when users start or complete courses, and by managing access to different offers and products. By utilizing course triggers, you can ensure that learners receive timely notifications about their progress and maintain engagement with the course material.

Category/Lesson Started/Completed: Triggered by progress within a course category or lesson to track progress or send notifications.

New Signup: Triggered by a new user signup for a course to manage enrollments or send welcome messages.

Offer/Product Access Granted/Removed: Triggered by changes in access to offers or products to manage access to courses or digital products.

Product Started/Completed: Triggered by starting or completing a course to track course progress or initiate actions.

User Login: Triggered by user login to a course or membership to track activity and engagement.

Certificates Issued: Triggered by the issuing of a certificate.

Payment Triggers

Payment triggers handle financial processes such as invoice updates, payment receipts, and order submissions. These triggers help automate the financial workflow by managing changes in invoice status, tracking payments, and processing orders. With payment triggers, you can streamline the handling of financial transactions, ensuring that payments are recorded accurately and that notifications are sent promptly.

Invoice: Triggered by changes in invoice status or details to manage payments or notifications.

Payment Received: Triggered by the receipt of a payment to fulfill offers or send confirmations.

Order Form/Order Submitted: Triggered by the submission of an order form or any order to manage orders or send notifications.

Order Failed: Triggered when an order fails to process.

Documents & Contracts: Triggered by changes in documents or contracts to manage workflows or notifications.

Subscription Status Change: Triggered by changes in subscription status to manage subscriptions or notifications.

Refund: Triggered by the occurrence of a refund to manage and notify about refunds.

Shopify Triggers

Shopify triggers manage e-commerce activities like abandoned carts and order fulfillments. These triggers help optimize sales by automating the process of recovering lost sales through abandoned cart emails and managing order processing. By using Shopify triggers, you can enhance the efficiency of your e-commerce operations and improve customer satisfaction through timely order updates and recovery efforts.

Abandoned Cart: Triggered by cart abandonment in Shopify to recover lost sales or send recovery emails.

Order Placed/Fulfilled: Triggered by orders placed or fulfilled in Shopify to manage and notify about Shopify orders.

IVR Triggers

IVR triggers manage workflows initiated by Interactive Voice Response (IVR) sessions. These triggers help automate phone call workflows by tracking the start of IVR sessions and managing subsequent actions. By setting up IVR triggers, you can ensure that phone call interactions are handled efficiently, providing a better experience for customers and streamlining communication processes.

IVR Started: Triggered by the initiation of an IVR session to manage phone call workflows.

Facebook and Instagram Events

Facebook and Instagram event triggers engage customers through social media interactions. These triggers help manage responses to comments and interactions on social media posts, enhancing customer engagement. By leveraging these triggers, you can automate social media management, ensuring timely and consistent interactions with your audience.

Facebook/Instagram Comments: Triggered by comments on Facebook/Instagram posts to engage with customers or manage interactions.

Community Triggers

Community triggers manage access changes within groups, ensuring better membership control. These triggers help automate the process of granting or revoking access to community groups, maintaining the integrity of group memberships. By using community triggers, you can efficiently manage group memberships and ensure that access is controlled and updated as needed.

Group Access Granted/Revoked: Triggered by changes in group access to manage community memberships or send notifications.

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