Smart Lists in Concours Pro


What are Smart Lists?

Smart Lists in Concours Pro are dynamic contact lists that automatically update based on set conditions. These lists help you organize and manage contacts more effectively by filtering them according to specific criteria. This dynamic functionality allows your lists to remain up-to-date with real-time contact information.

Usage Cases

Smart Lists are invaluable for various tasks:

  • Marketing Campaign Segmentation: Easily create targeted lists for specific customer groups.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Keep track of engagement with customers who haven’t been contacted recently.
  • Sales Lead Prioritization: Focus on leads that are most likely to convert.
  • Product Development Feedback: Gather insights from frequent users of a particular product.
  • Customer Retention Strategies: Identify and re-engage customers at risk of leaving.
  • Event Planning: Create lists of potential attendees based on past interactions.
  • Customer Support: Manage and track customers with ongoing support issues.

How to Use Smart Lists

Setting Up a Smart List

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Contacts/Smart Lists and click More Filters.
  2. Select the filters you want from the dropdown menu.
  3. Enter the necessary details and hit Apply.
  4. To add more filters, choose the AND option.
  5. Click Save as smart list to save your filter as a new list.

Accessing, Adjusting, and Cloning Smart Lists

  1. Go to the Contacts section and select a Smart List to open it.
  2. Modify the list by adjusting filters on the right side of your screen.
  3. Use the trash can or X icon to remove filters, or the pencil icon to edit them.
  4. Click the Save icon to store changes, or Manage Smart Lists to duplicate, share, rename, or delete a list.

How to Filter by Custom Fields

You can filter your contacts by custom fields by selecting the relevant options in the filters dropdown. This helps you create even more tailored Smart Lists.

Lead Nurturing Using Smart Lists

  1. Go to Smart List > All Tab.
  2. Click More Filters.
  3. Type ‘last’ into the Add Filter box and select Last Activity.
  4. Choose More Than and enter 90 days.
  5. Select the Last Activity column from the dropdown.
  6. Click the + icon to name and save your list.


How do I add pre-existing contacts to an already-made Smart List?

Contacts are added automatically based on the filter conditions of the Smart List.

Can I manually add existing contacts to an existing Smart List?

No, contacts are added automatically according to the list’s filters.

How can I create a Smart List in Contacts when the filter says “Pipeline” instead of “Filter”?

Clear existing filters and add new ones. If issues persist, try refreshing the page.

I’m having trouble adding to an existing smart list. What could I be doing wrong?

Ensure the correct filters are set for the list. A useful workaround is to tag contacts you wish to include.

I deleted a contact and didn’t want to see the related smart list. Is there a way to delete all records from the smart list?

Go to Manage Smart Lists and untick any shared users before deleting the list.

Can I use a Smart List to create a report for conversions from a specific tag within the contacts?

Smart Lists can be exported as CSVs, but conversion rates need to be checked from the pipeline or dashboard.

Can a user delete a smart list they’ve created if they don’t have access to ‘manage smart lists’?

The user needs Contact page access to delete the list.

Can users manage smart lists without having ‘settings’ access?

No, managing Smart Lists requires Settings access.

Is there a way to see who created and shared a smart list?

Currently, there is no way to track who created or shared a Smart List.

Can all users see Smart Lists or just the user that created them?

Smart Lists are user-specific but can be shared account-wide with the global option.

Can Smart Lists be shared with others?

Yes, go to Manage Smart Lists and click the Share button.

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