[HOW-TO GUIDE] : Create Custom Conversions for Your Facebook Ads

Create Custom Conversions for Your Facebook Ads

The Objective of this Guide is to set up your Custom Conversions by specifying the ‘Goal’ page of your Website.  This will allow Facebook to Optimise your ads towards this specific Goal.

  1. In Facebook Business Manager, Click on the Top Menu, Click on ‘ALL TOOLS’, Then under ‘MEASURE & REPORT’, click on ‘CUSTOM CONVERSIONS’.Create Custom Conversions for Your Facebook Ads
  2. Click CREATE CUSTOM CONVERSION’ on the right sideCreate Custom Conversions for Your Facebook Ads
  3. Select Your Facebook Pixel from the Drop Down at the top
  4. Select URL ‘Contains’
  5. Enter Your ‘Goal’ URL
  6. Name Your Conversion
  7. Select a Category that Describes your Conversion – Eg. Complete Registration, Purchase etc.
  8. Click CREATE to Create Your Custom ConversionCreate Custom Conversions for Your Facebook Ads
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