Setting Up 2-Way Email Sync for Gmail


What is Gmail 2-Way Sync?

Google Gmail 2-Way Sync in Concours Pro allows seamless synchronization of emails between Gmail and the CRM. This feature ensures that any emails sent, received, or updated in Gmail are reflected in the CRM and vice versa. It’s designed to streamline your email management and enhance productivity by keeping your communications unified and up-to-date across both platforms.

Steps to Connect

  1. Go to Settings > My Profile > General.
  2. Scroll down to the Email (2-way sync) section.
  3. Select Gmail two-way sync and click Connect.
  4. Choose your Gmail account and tick all boxes to provide necessary permissions to allow integration.
  5. Your Gmail account will be connected, and emails will begin syncing.

How Does the Sync Work?

The sync operates in two scenarios:

  • When you email a contact from the CRM, the email syncs with Gmail.
  • If an existing contact emails you in Gmail, it syncs with the CRM’s conversations tab.

Note: Gmail’s limit of 500 emails per day applies, and only emails up to 25MB in size are supported.

Other Functionalities

Update Email

Users can update their connected email address without disrupting existing integrations. New emails will sync with the new address, but ongoing threads will stop syncing from the previous address.

Disconnect Email

Disconnecting an email stops the sync between platforms. Previously synced emails remain in Concours Pro.

Gmail shared across multiple Concours Pro accounts

If a Gmail account is integrated for Gmail Two way sync in multiple accounts, the email from the contact will go to the conversations tab of all those accounts, but we will only retain the instance of that contact in that account to which the user replies to. Sync will be broken for all other instances so that contacts aren’t unneccesarily shared between accounts. The additional filter of user being assigned to the existing contact also makes sure that the conversation will not go to accounts that the contact does not belong to.

BCC Address

Including a BCC address when sending emails from Gmail ensures that conversations are logged in Concours Pro, even if Gmail shows a “Delivery incomplete” error. This helps keep all communication centralized.

Bulk Emails and Workflows

Two-way sync only affects individual emails, not bulk emails or workflow automations, which are sent via the account email provider, usually Concours Pro’s LeadConnector system. Gmail’s 500 daily email limit does not apply to bulk emails sent through Concours Pro as they are handled by this account email provider. Only one-on-one emails to contacts are sent using the Gmail 2-way sync.


What happens to emails received from existing contacts?

They are synced with both Concours Pro and Gmail, ensuring a complete record of communications.

Will removing a synced account delete existing emails?

No, previously synced emails remain. Only new emails are affected post-disconnection.

Do new emails get synced after an account is removed?

No, synchronization stops for new emails after account removal.

Will all my existing contacts in Gmail be synced with Concours Pro?

Yes, existing contacts will sync, but past emails before integration will not be included.

What happens when a new email is received from a contact?

New emails from existing contacts are reflected in both platforms.

What happens to sent emails from Concours Pro or Gmail?

They are logged in both Concours Pro and Gmail’s Sent folder.

How are cc/bcc recipients handled in the sync?

CC and BCC recipients are displayed under the relevant contact in Concours Pro without creating new contacts.

What if a contact emails someone else but includes (CC or BCC) the Concours Pro user?

The email is synced to Concours Pro, maintaining the conversation history.

How is the conversation thread managed when multiple recipients are involved?

The conversation is associated with the primary recipient in Concours Pro.

What if the same contact exists in multiple locations for the same synced email address?

Emails sent from Concours Pro are reflected only in the specific account where the contact exists. Em ails sent form teh contact to the Gmail account are synced to all Concours Pro accounts that are integrated for 2-way sync with that particular Gmail account.

What is BCC Address, and how does it work?

Adding a BCC address logs the email in Concours Pro, facilitating communication management.

How is the secure connection handled if Gmail login credentials change?

Reauthentication is required to maintain a secure connection.

What happens when an email is forwarded from Gmail?

Forwarded emails are treated as sent emails and synced accordingly.

What if there are duplicate emails with multiple contacts?

Duplicates are linked to the first created contact in Concours Pro.

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